1. Psalm 103 «Bless the Lord, O my soul…» Znamenny chant
2. «Blessed is the man» Znamenny chant
3. «Lord, I have cried…» Znamenny chant Tone four
4. Hymn to the Mother of God «Today God who rests upon the spiritual thrones…» Znamenny chant Tone six
5. «O Gladsome Light» Znamenny chant
6. Stanza for the Litia «O ye People, Today is Come to Pass the First. Fruit of our Salvation» Znamenny chant
7. Troparion «Thy Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God» Znamenny chant Tone four
8. «Praise ye the name of the Lord» Znamenny chant
9. Megalynarion for the feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God Znamenny chant
10. «From my youth…» Znamenny chant Tone four
11. Stanza after Psalm 50 «This is the day of the Lord» Znamenny chant
12. Canon of the feast. Irmos «Come, O ye people…». Katavasia after Canticle 1 «Inscribing the invincible weapon of the Cross…» Znamenny chant
13. Kontakion «Joachim and Ann were set free from the reproach of childlessness…» Znamenny chant Tone four
14. Refrains for Canticle 9 of the Canon. Irmos of Canticle 9. «Virginity is alien to motherhood…» Znamenny chant
15. Kontakion «O victorious leader of triumphant hosts» Znamenny chant Tone eight
16. Psalm 103 «Bless the Lord, O my soul…» Greek chant
17. Stanza to St. Feodor of Sanaksary «O elected one of Christ»To the special melody: «The Joy of the heavenly hosts…» Common chant Tone one
18. Stanza to St. Feodor of Sanaksary «O venerable father Feodor…» To the special melody: «Having abandoned the vanities of the world…» Common chant Tone six
19. Stanza to St. Feodor of Sanaksary «O spirit-bearing elder…» Common chant Tone eight
20. Dogmatic «Heavenly King…» Znamenny chant Tone eight
21. Stanza to St. Feodor of Sanaksary «How shall we call thee, O elder Feodor» Common chant Tone one
22. Stanza to St. Feodor of Sanaksary «The Lord is my firm foundation» To the special melody: «Down from the Tree…» Common chant Tone two
23. Troparion to St. Feodor of Sanaksary «From thy youth onwards thou didst love Christ…» Common chant Tone four
24. Dogmatic «The mystery that has been hidden from the ages» Common chant Tone four
25. Kontakion to St. Feodor of Sanaksary «Having abandoned the vanity of this world…» Common chant Tone four
26. Stanza to St. Feodor of Sanaksary «Rejoice, o faithful servant of Christ…» To the special melody: «The Joy of the heavenly hosts…» Common chant Tone five
27. Stanza to St. Feodor of Sanaksary «Rejoicing now, O venerable Feodor…» Common chant Tone two
28. Hymn to the Mother of God «O new wonder…» Znamenny chant Tone two
29. Exaltation to St. Feodor of Sanaksary «Beneath thy mercy…» Common chant